Go Visit Chisdaddy GolfIf you are a golf junkie or just an average Joe who plays golf, you need to go visit my good friend at Chisdaddy Golf. What can he do for…Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021
Macro Marketing Does Not Cost Too MuchIn the United States, the basic objective of our market-directed economic system has been to satisfy consumer needs as they, the consumers…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Caddy Splash! The New — Product DevelopmentIf you are a big golf nerd and need to spend more money on something well this is the right tool for you! Caddy Splash is a new product…Jun 12, 2021Jun 12, 2021
Segmentation, Positioning With Their Buying BehaviorWe need to understand that everyone has a buying behavior and certain things will affect that. As a business it is important to know how…May 30, 2021May 30, 2021
Does The “Four Ps’ Meet Your Marketing Strategy?With anything you do there has to be a process. In marketing we call this the Marketing Management Process. In this process it consists of…May 21, 2021May 21, 2021
How to Fly in 4 Steps, The Wright Brothers Way!The Wright Brothers are one of the reasons why we have planes in the air and have technology in space. The drive they had to be great in…Sep 25, 2018Sep 25, 2018
Online Gaming AddictionIn the United States teens face a big problem in the world and it involves them staring at a screen or a TV for numerous hours each day…Sep 25, 2018Sep 25, 2018